Accreditation ensures programmes meet internationally endorsed standards, and provides a formal process for ongoing evaluation. It reflects the quality by which an educational institution or a program conducts its business. For clients, Accreditation provides assurance that the programmes in which one is enrolled is engaged in continuous review and improvement of its quality, and that it is accountable for achieving what it sets out to do. For managers, Accreditation provides reassurance that a formal process for ongoing evaluation and improvement of your employees will result in reliable and formal outcomes and certification. The Blue Energy Training Centre is internationally accredited/recognised by three of the top worldwide agencies for safety standards. These include the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) for our Driver Trainer Programs; the British Safety Council (BSC) for our Health and Safety Courses; and as Libya’s first Emergency First Response (EFR) centre we are leading the way for international training standards in First Aid training. Please see individual sections for more details.